PARENTS » Attendance/Asistencia




Research shows that children who are in school most of the time have greater academic success.  Studies also show that kids who are absent are more likely to drop out of school and receive lower scores on standardized tests and progress reports.

Being late for school hurts a child’s learning, too.  A student who is 10 minutes late every day will miss 30 hours of instruction during the year – one full week of learning!  Children can make up assignments when they are absent, but they can never get back what is most important:  the discussion, the questions, the explanations by the teacher and the thinking that makes learning come alive.

Your child’s success in school depends on having a solid educational background – one that can only be gained through regular school attendance.  Schools are responsible for teaching your child.  But schools can’t do their job if your child is absent.  Learning builds day-by-day.  A child who misses a day of school misses a day of learning.

Excusable Absence (Education Code 48205):

  • Due to his/her illness

  • Due to quarantine

  • Having a medical, dental, optometric or chiropractic services rendered

  • Attending the funeral services of a member of his or her immediate family

Things To Remember...

  • Know your child’s school calendar and plan vacations on scheduled time off

  • Return from school breaks as soon as classes resume

  • Students who attend school regularly are more likely to graduate from high school!

  • Unexcused absences will count as truancies

  • Absences can affect your child’s grades

  • Absences can affect your child’s participation in school activities

  • Unexcused absences can lead to legal consequences for your family

Support Outstanding Attendance At Home By:

  • Bringing your child to school on time every day.  Let your child know that you expect him/her to attend school every day.

  • Making sure your child gets enough sleep and a nutritious breakfast each day

  • Helping your child develop a positive attitude toward learning

  • Explaining Compulsory Education (by law all students must attend school daily and be on time) AND discussing consequences for not complying with the Compulsory Education law (fines, truancy tickets, referral to court, etc.)

  • Teaching the benefits of good attendance and consequences of poor attendance

  • Creating morning and evening routines

  • Making your school aware of any issues that may be affecting your child’s attendance